lundi 31 mai 2010

Charité & Charity

Thanks to all for the nice charity evening of April 22 on the Anako Peniche.
We'll do another event asap.

Here's the best link to see the subtitled Yamuna, water, India.

Bon film à tous !
And see you soon.

We're preparing with Zelada Zonk our young film company the shooting of Yamuna 2

lundi 4 janvier 2010

Chandigarh's time

Palais des Assemblées du Penjab et de l'Haryana

Hello to All and Happy New Year,
Forevergreenindia is invited to expose, movie, pics and conferences in Chandigarh next month, starting the 2/20/2010. If you're in the neighbourhood, you'll be more than welcome to pass by and join. Thanks to Alliance Française for that nice invitation! and long life to Forevergreenindia project.

Photo Vincent Le Vaguerese